The Self Mastery Method

This is a trauma healing system that I created back in 2011.

On the graph you will see the path from the moment a trauma happens leading back to self mastery.

When you know where you are on the scale, you can easily guide yourself back to self mastery.

This is one of the major tools that I use in helping my clients get miraculous results.

I say miraculous results because I also study A Course In Miracles and they go hand in hand with how I understand high performers and achievers.


Each stage carries a different energy. When you recognize where you are on the scale you can quickly get the lesson that is trying to be shown to you and move on to the next phase towards self mastery.

This is the human experience on a graph…

This was created out of the lowest points of my life then looking back to reflect on what had happened to me and what the process of healing was.

It proves itself time and time again over the last 12 years to work efficiently and gracefully to support the trauma healing process.

My belief is that trauma is “anything that causes your identity to shift”. That could be “good” or “bad” experiences. There is a re-introduction phase, a grieving stage, a stage of getting to know yourself again in this new state.

As entrepreneurs and leaders… we put ourselves “out there” much more than others and therefore experience day to day challenges that most people will never have to deal with.

Learning sales for example. It takes a thickening of the skin and simultaneously an opening of the heart. Dealing with rejection. Being misunderstood. Feeling alone. Going after the biggest, scariest things in life.

None of it makes sense… and yet, we do it anyways because we don’t see any other way.

Freedom seekers.

That freedom comes from being able to HOLD IT ALL.

All being what you see in the graph above.

When you can hold it all, you can have it all.

I believe you can do tremendous things in your lifetime.

And, I also believe that when you lighten your energy through the self mastery method it all falls into place with much more ease, grace and flow than ever before.

Much Love,

Alecia Repp
The Energy Queen

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