
Executive Coach For
Leading Brands

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    Executive Coach For
    Leading Brands

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      Client Results & Case Studies

      Frank Salas | Salas Staffing

      Frank Salas |
      Salas Staffing

      From 50-70k Years To 200k+ 3 Years In A Row

      • Frank is an all star. Highly ambitious.
      • He put in the work & received more than 250k our first year working together
      • 3 years later he has had continuious 200k+ years
      • This year he is on track for 300k cash collected
      • That is what we call stabilizing a new nornal, the real flex 🏆
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      Katie McNey | Author, Model

      Katie McNey |
      Author, Model

      From 42k years on salary to 40k in sales in 3 months as an entrepreneur

      • Katie is a model and author.
      • We created her Author's Dream Mentorship Program.
      • She was working a job and wanted out.
      • In 3 months made 80% her salary with $40k in sales!
      • We created a schedule based on time freedom so she can go to the beach on week days now.
      • With no prior sales experiene, she sold a $30k package!
      •  She remained coachable, and did the work! Her results speak for themselves.

      Matt Helm | Freedom's Edge

      Matt Helm | Freedom's Edge

      From therapist collecting insurance to highly paid coach in 6 months.

      • Matt is a ROCKSTAR!! Highly educated, trained and such a deep and heart centred leader.
      • He had a full psychotherapy practise, and knew he wanted to break free into coaching and mentorship.
      • We created his Jumbo Jet Offer so he could move away from hourly rates and began to make premium sales.
      • He became the $25k pay in full magnet. Attracting so many that we stopped counting.
      • He was able to transition from therapist collecting insurance to highly paid coach in 6 months.

      You Are A Rebel
      On The Rise 

      Alecia Repp is the "entrepreneur whisperer" a former makeup artist turned world-traveling business & wealth builder with over a decade of experience activating Rebel CEO's.


      Her Simplicy Scales System is activating entrepreneurs to play at their boldest edge by commanding premium prices for their expertise and building a lean and profitable business using Spicy Brand Authority.


      Alecia is the Uplevel Multiplier, the Energy Queen.⚡️


      "Alecia’s willingness to go deep with personal and business coaching is so valuable. Her approach is gentle and effective in drawing out the best in you. I’ve never spoken to a coach and had this meaningful of an experience."


      Derek Loepp
      Real Purpose Properties

      "Alecia, you sharpen my mind every time we talk. You bring things to the surface that change my perception of reality. You allow me to transcend all my limitations. I am more confident because of you."

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      Paula Hopwood

      Paula Hopwood
      Coach, Author, Speaker

      Activating Rebel
      Leaders Since 2011

      At Rebel Rising We Live Different

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